Data underlying the publication: "Nature-based shoreline protection in newly formed tidal marshes is controlled by tidal inundation and sedimentation rate"
DOI: 10.4121/ee3a00ea-6557-43ef-8bd3-7aa28a79b6a1
Our aim was to improve the current understanding of the influence of tidal inundation and sedimentation rate on the development of tidal marsh sediment strength and erosion resistance in restored and newly created tidal marshes, as well as the influences of drainage, sediment, and vegetation on this development. For this, we measured sediment strength and erosion resistance of sediment layers with different accretion ages in a closely monitored restored tidal marsh with a controlled reduced tidal exchange along the Scheldt estuary in Belgium. When this tidal marsh was created in 2006, initial bed elevation differences in the area led to differences in tidal inundation frequency and duration, and differences in sedimentation rate. By also determining drainage characteristics and measuring sediment and vegetation characteristics, we were able to identify the effect of these variables on the development of sediment strength and erosion resistance.
This dataset contains all data on sediment strength, erosion resistance, tidal inundation characteristics, sedimentation rates, and drainage, sediment, and vegetation characteristics that we measured at the measurement locations.
- 2024-08-22 first online, published, posted
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NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Department of Estuarine and Delta Systems;Utrecht University, Department of Physical Geography;
University of Antwerp, Department of Biology;
University of Groningen, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences
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