TY - DATA T1 - Data belonging to the publication "High precipitation rates characterize biomineralization in the foraminifer Ammonia beccarii." PY - 2023/09/27 AU - Lennart de Nooijer AU - Esmee Geerken AU - Takashi Toyofuku AU - Anne Roepert AU - Jack J. Middelburg AU - Michiel V.M. Kienhuis AU - Yukiko Nagai AU - Lubos Polerecky AU - Gert-Jan Reichart UR - https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_belonging_to_the_publication_High_precipitation_rates_characterize_biomineralization_in_the_foraminifer_Ammonia_beccarii_by_Geerken_et_al_/13516592 DO - 10.4121/13516592.v1 KW - Biomineralization KW - Geochemistry KW - NanoSIMS KW - Foraminifera N2 - <p>This entry contains the original NanoSIMS maps that were used for the publication "High precipitation rates characterize biomineralization in foraminifera". The maps are provided as csv.files and were not processed before uploading here.</p> ER -