TY - DATA T1 - Interreg EMFloodReslience WPT4.3.1: A beta version of a flash flood early warning system for several tributaries of the Meuse PY - 2023/12/12 AU - Jerom Aerts UR - DO - 10.4121/a91158d6-887f-4d6c-bc17-fc79d73809e7.v1 KW - Hydrology KW - Flash Flood Early Warning KW - July 2021 Floods KW - Interreg EMFloodReslience N2 - <p>Data and Scripting for the project: Interreg EMFloodReslience WPT4.3.1: A beta version of a flash flood early warning system for several tributaries of the Meuse.</p><p>The data includes the raw model run output from Delft-FEWS configurations, the post-processed output, and the statistical analyses results. Aim of the project is to test the added value of a STEPS-Blending rainfall prediction product for accurate forecasting of discharges in the Dommel, Demer, Rur, Geul, Vesdre catchments based on 3 historical rainfall events. Data includes: 1. Raw discharge estimates of 48 ensemble members per catchment, per rainfall event, and per forecast product. 2. Post-processed discharge estimates of 48 ensemble members per catchment, per rainfall event, and per forecast product. 3. Statistical analyses includes deterministic, probabilistic, contingency, threshold based results. 4. Plots.</p> ER -