TY - DATA T1 - Research Data - Preparing Future Business Data Sharing via a Meta-Platform for Data Marketplaces: Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Data Sovereignty PY - 2022/05/13 UR - https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Research_Data_-_Preparing_Future_Business_Data_Sharing_via_a_Meta-Platform_for_Data_Marketplaces_Exploring_Antecedents_and_Consequences_of_Data_Sovereignty/19762360/1 DO - 10.4121/19762360.v1 N2 -

This dataset is a supplementary document of the article entitled “Preparing Future Business Data Sharing via a Meta-Platform for Data Marketplaces: Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Data Sovereignty.”  This supplementary material consists of three parts: Appendix 1: Overview of participants of our twenty semi-structured interviews; Appendix 2: Semi-structured interview questions; and Appendix 3: Unconstrained categorization matrix.

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