%0 Generic %A Yildiz, Burak %A Khademi, Seyran %D 2021 %T Extracted Features of Cross-time Amsterdam Dataset %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Extracted_Features_of_Amsterdam_Cross-time_Dataset/14572644/2 %R 10.4121/14572644.v2 %K features %K Amsterdam %K Cross-time %K deep learning %K SIFT features %K LIFT features %K ResNet features %K NetVLAD features %K VGGNet features %X This collection contains feature files where the features are extracted on Cross-time Amsterdam dataset using various methods and models such as SIFT, LIFT, and pre-trained VGG-16, ResNets, NetVLAD, AP-GeM and supervisely and self-supervisely trained models. The details of feature extraction procedure and other details can be found on https://github.com/seyrankhademi/cross-time-dataset.<br> %I 4TU.ResearchData