%0 Computer Program %A Gharavi, Leila %D 2025 %T Proactive Motion Planning Codes for Emergency Collision Avoidance in Highway Scenarios %U %R 10.4121/c4c3015e-702a-43dc-9eed-33b9d207604e.v2 %K Model Predictive Control %K Stochastic Model Predictive Control %K Collision Avoidance %K Automated Driving %K Motion Planning %K Evasive Maneuvers %K Proactive Control %K Emergency Scenarios %X

This repository includes local motion planners for emergency collision avoidance in automated driving systems. These planners incorporate stochastic prediction models for other road users (e.g. vehicles or static obstacles) and a dynamic prediction model for the ego vehicle. Further, the planners are formulated as model predictive control optimization problems and are designed to find a reference trajectory for the ego vehicle to avoid collision with the road users/obstacles and road boundaries while taking into account the uncertainty in predicting the behavior of other road users.

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