%0 Generic %A Hermes, Dik J. %D 2024 %T Index file, cascading style sheet, errata and copyright statements accompanying the book "The Perceptual Structure of Sound" %U %R 10.4121/c3238c78-ad42-48fb-a48f-cab7288c9ec4.v3 %K Speech %K Loudness %K rhythm %K auditory scene analysis %K Auditory Processing %K tones %K sound loc %K sound %K music %K melody %X

Index file (index.html), cascading style sheet (PSS.css), errata (PSS-errata.html), and copyright statements (copyrightDJH.html and

copyrightPRDJH.html) for the website : "https://dhermes.ieis.tue.nl/PSS" with links to the sound files (in the subdirectory wavFiles), used as auditory demonstrations for the book "The Perceptual Structure of Sound", and the html files (in the subdirectory htmlFiles) showing the Matlab scripts with which these sounds are generated

%I 4TU.ResearchData