%0 Generic %A Welsh, J. (Jennifer) %A Steenhuis, P. (Peter) %A Ribeiro de Moraes, K. (Karlos) %A van der Meer, J. (Jaap) %A Brussaard, C.P.D. (Corina) %D 2020 %T Data presented in the paper "Marine virus predation by non-host organisms" %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_presented_in_the_paper_Marine_virus_predation_by_non-host_organisms_/12708794/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:9dbe319e-c42e-4b47-a4ce-5d2e33243c1c %K Aquatic Organisms %K Biodiversity %K Dilution Effect %K Disease Risk %K Marine biology %K Marine environment %K Oceans and Seas %K Viruses %X These experiments tested the effects of organisms which cannot become infected (non-hosts) on the reduction of free virus particals in a marine system. Individual organisms of a variety of species were placed in to aquaria filled with a known abundance of free virus particles. At the end of the experiment, the individual organisms were removed and the remaining viral particles were counted usin flowcytometry. %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data