%0 Generic
%A Nasrulin, Bulat
%A Ishmaev, Georgy
%A Pouwelse, Johan
%D 2025
%T Code and dataset supporting the publication: MeritRank: Sybil Tolerant Reputation for Merit-based Tokenomics
%R 10.4121/b1e7bf95-67d7-4f4e-8043-208e7f71ad84.v1
%K Reputation
%K MakerDAO
%K Sybil attack
%K Tokenomics
%K Feedback Aggregation
%X <p>This repository contains code for a Sybil-tolerant reputation mechanism based on feedback. The algorithm was tested using interactions from the MakerDAO Discourse forum.</p><p>The dataset used in the paper is based on MakerDAO forum interactions and was parsed via SourceCred. It is available in the ‘dataset’ folder.</p><p>A Sybil attack on the forum is simulated within Python notebooks.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData