%0 Generic %A Prielinger, Luise %A Gómez Iñesta, Álvaro %A Vardoyan, Gayane %D 2025 %T Data underlying the publication: Surrogate-guided Optimization in Quantum Networks %U %R 10.4121/a07a9e97-f34c-4e7f-9f68-1010bfb857d0.v4 %K quantum networks %K entanglement distribution %K surrogate optimization %K machine learning %K bayesian optimization %X

This data is associated with the paper "Surrogate-guided Optimization in Quantum Networks".

In this work we introduce an efficient optimization workflow using machine-learning models that outperforms traditional techniques, addressing the challenges of complex, computationally demanding simulations in quantum networking. Please find guidelines and more context in REAMDE.md file.

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