%0 Generic
%A Nijholt, Bas
%A Akhmerov, Anton
%D 2015
%T Orbital effect of magnetic field on Majorana phase diagram (theory) [version 1]
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Orbital_effect_of_magnetic_field_on_Majorana_phase_diagram_theory_version_1_/12721442/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:af284f58-e822-4fc1-8917-e8527d543f60
%K Condensed Matter
%K Physics
%K Quantum Nanoscience
%K Theoretical Physics
%K majorana fermions
%K semiconductor nanowires
%X Code and resulting data for calculating topological phase diagram of Majorana bound states in semiconducting nanowires in presence of orbital effect of magnetic field. See code/README.txt for usage instructions.
%I TU Delft