%0 Generic
%A Al-Mousa, Amjed
%A Alqudah, Rajaa
%A Faza, Ayman
%D 2023
%T SimToll: A Highway Toll, Lane Selection, and Traffic Modeling Dataset
%R 10.4121/21273291.v2
%K Traffic Modeling
%K machine learning
%K highway
%X <p>This dataset contains traffic information of a toll highway; the highway consists&nbsp;of a toll lane, a carpool lane, and three regular lanes. The traffic information&nbsp;includes the number of vehicles on each lane type and the average speed on each&nbsp;lane, at ntervals of 6 minutes.&nbsp;The dataset also provides information about the&nbsp;individual drivers/vehicles on the highway, like their eparture and arrival times and the lane used.&nbsp;</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData