%0 Generic
%A Thakur, Pratibha
%D 2021
%T Data describes the role of social media in improving organizational performance of IT sector in Indian context
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_describes_the_role_of_social_media_in_improving_organizational_performance_of_IT_sector_in_Indian_context/16685173/1
%R 10.4121/16685173.v1
%K social media
%K organizational performance
%K IT sector
%K India
%X The data describes the impact of social media usage on organizational performance of IT sector in Indian context. The data collected from lower and middle level employees was analyzed
using correlation and regression analysis and the results highlighted that social
media and organizational performance are positively and significantly
correlated. The findings also revealed that social media has a significant impact
on organizational performance.
%I 4TU.ResearchData