%0 Generic
%A van Woerkom, D.J. (David)
%A Proutski, A. (Alex)
%A van Heck, B. (Bernard)
%A Bouman, D. (Daniël)
%A Väyrynen, J.I. (Jukka)
%A Glazman, L.I. (Leonid)
%A Krogstrup, P. (Peter)
%A Nygård, J. (Jesper)
%A Kouwenhoven, L.P. (Leo)
%A Geresdi, Attila
%D 2017
%T Microwave spectroscopy of spinful Andreev bound states in ballistic semiconductor Josephson junctions
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Microwave_spectroscopy_of_spinful_Andreev_bound_states_in_ballistic_semiconductor_Josephson_junctions_version_1_/12721430/2
%R 10.4121/uuid:8c4a0604-ac00-4164-a37a-dad8b9d2f580
%K Condensed Matter
%K Experimental Physics
%K Josephson Physics
%K Nanoscience
%K Physics
%K Quantum Computation
%K Semiconductor Nanowires
%K Superconductivity
%K Theoretical Physics
%X Raw data and code that belong to the paper "Microwave spectroscopy of spinful Andreev bound states in ballistic semiconductor Josephson junctions". For usage instructions, see README.txt in experiment and theory folders.
%I QuTech