%0 Generic
%A Lewis, Reece
%A Eelkema, Rienk
%A Klemm, Benjamin
%A Macchione, Mariano
%D 2022
%T Data relating to Fuel-Driven Macromolecular Coacervation in Complex Coacervate Core Micelles
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_relating_to_Fuel-Driven_Macromolecular_Coacervation_in_Complex_Coacervate_Core_Micelles/19500368/1
%R 10.4121/19500368.v1
%K Coacervate Formation
%K c3m
%K systems chemistry
%K fuel cycle
%K micelles
%K complex coacervate core micelles
%X <p>In this work a chemical reaction
network (CRN) is used to drive the coacervation of macromolecular species. The CRN enables transient
quaternization of tertiary amine substrates, driven by the conversion of
electron deficient allyl acetates and thiol or amine nucleophiles. By
incorporating tertiary amine functionality into block copolymers, we
demonstrate chemical triggered complex coacervate core micelle (C3M) assembly and
disassembly. In contrast to most dynamic coacervate systems, this CRN operates
at constant physiological pH without the need for complex biomolecules. By
varying the allyl acetate fuel, deactivating nucleophile and reagent ratios, we
achieved both sequential signal-induced C3M (dis)assembly, as well as transient
non-equilibrium (dis)assembly.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData