%0 Computer Program %A Reales, Guillermo %D 2025 %T Code underlying: Shape Optimization of Scintillation Crystals through COMSOL %U %R 10.4121/8ce11e06-ce07-481d-8f8c-3e5641827205.v1 %K Scintillation %K COMSOL %K FEM %K Optimization %X

This software provides a framework to perform 2D shape optimization of scintillation crystals parameterized through splines using FEM (finite-element-methods) solutions of transient and steady of electromagnetic waves with COMSOL and MATLAB to increase light collection. The geometry is based on the MTD-BTL (Minimum Ionizing Particle Detector - Barrel TIming Layer, https://cds.cern.ch/record/2667167/files/CMS-TDR-020.pdf).

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