%0 Generic
%A Yurttagül, N. (Nikolai)
%A Sarsby, M. (Matthew)
%A Geresdi, Attila
%D 2019
%T Data underlying the article: Indium as a high cooling power nuclear refrigerant for quantum nanoelectronics
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_article_Indium_as_a_high_cooling_power_nuclear_refrigerant_for_quantum_nanoelectronics/12712835/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:aeb9bb4e-8729-4dd0-b76b-fdbafbdbec2c
%K Condensed Matter
%K Cryogenics
%K Experimental Physics
%K Nanoelectronics
%K Nanotechnology
%K Nuclear demagnetization
%K Physics
%K Thermometry
%X Raw data and scripts that belong to the paper "Indium as a high cooling power nuclear refrigerant for quantum nanoelectronics". For usage instructions, see readme.txt.
%I 4TU.Centre for Research Data