%0 Generic
%A Engelhard, Stefan
%A van Helvert, Majorie
%A Groot Jebbink, Erik
%A Reijnen, Michel
%A Versluis, Michel
%D 2021
%T Ultrasound velocimetry in patients with aortoiliac stents - C031_IQdata
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Ultrasound_velocimetry_in_patients_with_aortoiliac_stents_-_C031_IQdata/16617484/1
%R 10.4121/16617484.v1
%K Particle Image Velocimetry
%K high-frame-rate, contrast-enhanced ultrasound
%K aortoiliac disease
%K endovascular treatment
%K arterial stenting
%K US velocimetry
%K echoPIV
%K collection: Ultrasound velocimetry in patients with aortoiliac stents
%X IQ data for patient C031, corresponding to Figure 4D and supplemental video 4 in the article
%I 4TU.ResearchData