%0 Generic
%A Phan, Hung
%D 2017
%T Dynamics of mangrove in lower Mekong delta
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Dynamics_of_mangrove_in_lower_Mekong_delta/12716588/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:da314d82-83f6-46d9-bdf6-a37f48d24326
%K Coastal protection
%K Environmental assessment
%K GIS for mangrove classification
%K Mangrove dynamics
%K Mangrove ecosystem
%K Remote sensing
%X The objective of this study was to show the whole overview of dynamics of mangrove ecosystem in spatial and temporal scale in Mekong delta from 1973 to 2015 as well as understand well on mangrove loss associated with drivers of land use change because the causes of mangrove reduction vary from region to region
%I TU Delft