%0 Generic %A Siebinga, Olger %A Zgonnikov, Arkady %A Abbink, D.A. (David) %D 2022 %T Data underlying the publication: Interactive merging behavior in a coupled driving simulator: Experimental framework and case study %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Interactive_merging_behavior_in_a_coupled_driving_simulator_Experimental_framework_and_case_study/19550377/1 %R 10.4121/19550377.v1 %K Human factors studies %K Driving simulator %K Highway merging %X <p>This dataset was recorded in a top-down-view driving simulator where two participants solved a merging conflict. This merging scenario is a simplified version of highway merging. In this scenario, two vehicles approach a pre-defined merge point. Two participants were asked to stick to their initial velocity, yet avoid collisions. The data was (and can be) used to analyze human interaction behavior during driving.</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData