%0 Generic
%A Kooijman, L. (Lars)
%A Happee, R. (Riender)
%A de Winter, Joost
%D 2019
%T Supplementary materials for the article  How do eHMIs affect pedestrians' crossing behavior? A study using a head-mounted display combined with a motion suit.
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Supplementary_materials_for_the_article_How_do_eHMIs_affect_pedestrians_crossing_behavior_A_study_using_a_head-mounted_display_combined_with_a_motion_suit_/12692999/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:45378b74-4dab-465d-97dd-e593972d6125
%K Automated driving
%K Crossing
%K Decision making
%K Pedestrians
%K Virtual reality
%X Supplementary materials for the article  How do eHMIs affect pedestrians' crossing behavior? A study using a head-mounted display combined with a motion suit.
%I 4TU.Centre for Research Data