%0 Generic %A Sharma, Shrinjay %A Balestra, Salvador R.G. %A Baur, Richard %A Agarwal, Umang %A Zuidema, Erik %A Rigutto, Marcello S. %A Calero, Sofia %A Vlugt, Thijs %A Dubbeldam, David %D 2023 %T Simulation input files and datasets for the article: "RUPTURA: Simulation Code for Breakthrough, Ideal Adsorption Solution Theory Computations, and Fitting of Isotherm Models". %U %R 10.4121/4943dc0f-d908-4215-89ce-b9a6163930d2.v1 %K Adsorption, Breakthrough Curve, Separation %X <p>This folder contains:</p><p>1) examples for simulating breakthrough curves, estimating mixture adsorption isotherms and fitting of pure component isotherms. These examples are also present in the open source code RUPTURA (https://github.com/iRASPA/RUPTURA.git).</p><p>2) datasets for validating the breakthrough curve model (Separation of 2mC4 and 2mC5 in MFI-type zeolite at 473K and 5 bar). Experimental datasets are obtained from the following reference:</p><p>E. Jolimaitre, K. Ragil, M. Tayakout-Fayolle, and C. Jallut. Separation of mono and dibranched hydrocarbons on silicalite. AIChE J., 48:1927–1937, 2002.</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData