%0 Generic %A Siebinga, Olger %A Mohammad, Samir %A Zgonnikov, Arkady %D 2025 %T Data underlying the publication "Modeling Human Driver Behavior During Highway Merging Using the Communication-Enabled Interaction Framework" %U %R 10.4121/491199a3-4ceb-4f5a-aac9-451df6c77d0b.v1 %K Driver behavior model %K automated vehicles %K communication-enabled interaction model %K human behavior %K interactive behavior %X

This dataset contains simulated merging interactions on a highway. The model presented in the paper "Modeling Human Driver Behavior During Highway Merging Using the Communication-Enabled Interaction Framework" was simulated in nine scenarios, each in 100 trials. This model is based on the Communication-Enabled Interaction framework and describes how two human drivers interact during merging in terms of low-level control inputs, safety margins, and high-level decisions (who goes first?). This dataset contains 900 trials where a simulated human-driven vehicle merges onto a single-lane highway occupied by one other simulated human-driven vehicle. The initial velocity differences and gaps between the vehicles vary, resulting in the nine scenarios. We published a software repository on GitHub (see references) containing playback and plotting scripts to use the data.

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