%0 Generic %A Top, Jan %A Timmer, Marielle %A van Rooijen, Lorijn %D 2022 %T Data underlying the publication "Attributes for consumer acceptance of alternative food products" %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Attributes_for_consumer_acceptance_of_alternative_food_products_/19298990/1 %R 10.4121/19298990.v1 %K Digital dietary coach %K Food attributes %K healthy food choices %K Dietary habits %X Digital dietary coaches can supplement current approaches for guiding consumers towards healthier behaviour. <br>In addition to taking into account the individual client’s health status, digital coaches must also link to her or his personal preferences and habits and to <br>any contextual factors such as location and time of the day. We address the question which food attributes are needed to generate an advice that is fully personalised and situational.<br>The data in this replication package is the result of a crowd-sourced experiment. The goal of the experiment was to obtain insight in which food attributes people use when expressing their preferences in food choice.<br>We used the cohort of the Nature Today app. The number op people in the cohort is 32.000.<br>From the cohort, 770 participants responded to a request to join our survey. Each participant had to answer the same ten questions in Dutch.<br> %I 4TU.ResearchData