%0 Generic
%A Bruinsma, Sietze
%A Geertsma, Rinze
%A Loendersloot, Richard
%A Tinga, Tiedo
%D 2023
%T Motor Current and Vibration Monitoring Dataset for various Faults in an E-motor-driven Centrifugal Pump
%R 10.4121/2b61183e-c14f-4131-829b-cc4822c369d0.v1
%K Vibration Analysis
%K Motor Current Signature Analysis
%K Condition Based Maintenance
%K Bearings
%K Variable Frequency Drive
%K Induction Motor
%K Fault Detection
%K Fault Identification
%X <p>This dataset contains experimental vibration and motor current and voltage data of an electric motor pump set up, acquired at Fieldlab Techport as part of a research effort of the Royal Netherlands Navy. The experiments consist of measurements with a wide variety of faults, distributed over 2 set ups. One setup was operated at three different speeds, the other setup was operated at a single speed. The majority of faults were applied in multiple levels of severity.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData