cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "<p>This dataset is a supplement to the article entitled<em> Leveraging Systems and Control Theory for Social Robotics: A Model-Based Behavioral Control Approach to Human-Robot Interaction. </em></p><p>More specifically, it contains the data from the experiments performed in the case study of this paper.</p><p>The objective of the case study was to assess the novel approach to steer the behavior of social robots proposed in the paper.</p><p>This approach consists of a model-based controller that integrates the model of human behavior developed in to select the actions of the social robot that optimize the users' mental states.</p><p><strong>INCLUDED DATA</strong></p><p>├── Raw outputs from sessions</p><p>│ ├── Replies of participants - session 1 and 2 </p><p>│ ├── Replies of participants - session 3</p><p>│ ├── Questionnaires 3rd session.xlsx</p><p>├── Processed results from sessions</p><p>│ ├── Participants IDed models</p><p>│ ├── video results</p><p>├── Interaction documents </p><p>Please read the &quot;; file for further information on the structure of this dataset.</p><p><strong>SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION</strong></p><p>Recommended citation for this dataset: Data from experiments of “Leveraging Systems and Control Theory for Social Robotics: A Model-Based Behavioral Control Approach to Human-Robot Interaction”</p>"
  - family-names: Morão Patrício
    given-names: Maria
    orcid: ""
  - family-names: Jamshidnejad
    given-names: Anahita
    orcid: ""
title: "Data from experiments of Leveraging Systems and Control Theory for Social Robotics: A Model-Based Behavioral Control Approach to Human-Robot Interaction"
version: 1
  - type: doi
    value: 10.4121/ccadc914-9502-46d6-9ba5-fef581f2933f.v1
license: CC BY 4.0
date-released: 2025-03-07