cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "<p>Do travelling academics put their money where their mouth is? Supporting Data and Software</p>
<p>This data package contains survey files and responses associated with the following paper:</p>
<p>Cats, O., Pudāne, B., van der Poel, J., Kroesen, M. (2022). Do travelling academics put their money where their mouth is? Exploring environmental considerations and mode choices for conference travel. </p>
<p>This dataset contains data from a survey that recorded academics' attitudes towards online conferences, flight shame and carbon offsetting. It also contains their travel choices in hypothetical international conference travel situations - would they make the trip, and if yes, would they choose plane or train? Finally, there is a record of respondents' socio-demographic characteristics and their past and expected future conference travel. The data come from a convenience sample of 104 academics in Europe.</p>
<p>In this package you will find:</p>
<p>Raw data --> Survey_data_Raw.xlsx</p>
<p>Data formatted for (discrete choice) estimations, including a codebook --> Survey_data_Formatted.xlsx</p>
<p>Data formatted for (discrete choice) estimations --> Survey_data_Formatted.dat</p>
<p>Experimental design of the discrete choice tasks --> Experimental_design.xlsx</p>
<p>Biogeme Pandas code used to estimate the model --></p>
<p>Output from Biogeme --> MNL_model.html</p>
<p>Processed Biogeme output to obtain the relative importance of attributes --> Relative_importance_attributes.xlsx</p>
<p>Summary of the attitudinal statements --> Attitude_data.xlsx</p>
<p>Screenshots of the survey --> Screenshots of the survey introduction and choice task.docx</p>
<p>You can find the complete survey tool here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
  - family-names: Cats
    given-names: Oded
    orcid: ""
  - family-names: Pudane
    given-names: Baiba
    orcid: ""
  - family-names: van der Poel
    given-names: Johanan
  - family-names: Kroesen
    given-names: Maarten
title: "Supporting Data and Software for the paper: Do travelling academics put their money where their mouth is? Exploring environmental considerations and mode choices for conference travel"
version: 2
  - type: doi
    value: 10.4121/21207269.v2
license: CC BY-NC 4.0
date-released: 2022-09-28