  doi = {10.4121/12971528.v2},
  url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Chitin-_and_keratin-rich_soil_amendments_suppress_Rhizoctonia_solani_disease_via_changes_to_the_soil_microbial_community/12971528/2},
  author = {Andreo Jimenez, Beatriz and Schilder, Mirjam and Nijhuis, Els and te Beest, Dennis and Bloem, Jaap and Visser, Johnny and van Os, Gera and Brolsma, Karst and Boer, Wietse de and Postma, Joeke},
  keywords = {microbiome community structure, Rhizoctonia solani infection, ITS sequencing, 16S sequencing, compost-soil, keratin material, chitin material, soil suppressiveness},
  title = {Data underlying the publication: Chitin- and keratin-rich soil amendments suppress Rhizoctonia solani disease via changes to the soil microbial community},
  publisher = {4TU.ResearchData},
  year = {2021},
  copyright = {CC BY-SA 4.0},