@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/dd66122a-77c2-4f05-a34a-6b5aed8223e0.v2, doi = {10.4121/dd66122a-77c2-4f05-a34a-6b5aed8223e0.v2}, url = {}, author = {Van der Meeren, M. and Boers, Tim and de Graaf, P. and Duvivier, K. and Dreijerink, K. and Deden, L. and Veendrick, P. and Cernohorsky, P. and Joosten, F. and Savelberg, B.}, keywords = {Thyroid nodule, RFA, retrospective study, table}, title = {Data underlying the publication: Radiofrequency ablation for thyroid nodules (RATED study) - analysis of a learning curve and predictors of success}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2025}, copyright = {CC BY-NC 4.0}, }