@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/4603f510-007a-4354-b40c-8ab4eaca07cf.v1, doi = {10.4121/4603f510-007a-4354-b40c-8ab4eaca07cf.v1}, url = {}, author = {Overveld, van, Timo and Ellenbroek, Wouter and Meijer, Janne-Mieke and Clercx, Herman and Duran-Matute, Matias}, keywords = {Direct Numerical Simulations, Experiments, Fluid Dynamics, Immersed Boundary Method, Oscillating Flows, Particle-laden Flows, Mermaid Potential, Monte Carlo Simulations, Steady Streaming, Self-organization}, title = {Dataset underlying the publication: From hydrodynamics to dipolar colloids: modeling complex interactions and self-organization with generalized potentials}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2024}, copyright = {CC0}, }