Dataset for Chelator-impregnated polydimethylsiloxane beads for the separation of medical radionuclides
doi: 10.4121/f9c43b4f-9b7b-4ede-9b2a-8ef928410854
The dataset is a basis for 2 publications, one is a patent (filed by TUD (OCT-23-092), patent number 2037212, priority/filing date is 11.03.2024) and another is submitted to a journal and currently under review. This dataset serves as a basis for Chelator-impregnated polydimethylsiloxane beads for the separation of medical radionuclides, intended to be a chapter (co-authored) in the dissertation of Albert Santoso and Svenja Trapp. In this dataset, the research objective "Developing chelator-impregnated PDMS beads and exploring their use in a chromatography column for the separation of medical radionuclides from their target materials" was addressed. The data were collected using various characterization techniques (advanced microscopy, advanced spectroscopy, chemical stability test) and a proof-of-concept to separate several medical radionuclides. The presented data were in the form of images (jpg.) and origin file containing most of the data (opju).
- 2024-05-29 first online, published, posted
- Fast and Efficient Purification of Medical Isotopes by Microfluidic Extraction (grant code 16913) Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
DATA - restricted access
The data are protected by a patent (OCT-23-092, patent number 2037212, priority/filing date is 11.03.2024. )
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TU Delft patent office
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