Data underlying the manuscript: An eHealth intervention to support patients with a low socioeconomic position during their waiting period preceding cardiac rehabilitation: a randomised controlled feasibility study.

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doi: 10.4121/c7e2a63a-9699-4d7c-9cbb-9ac443400033
Datacite citation style:
Faber, Jasper; Jos Kraal; ter Hoeve, Nienke; Al-Dhahir, Isra; Breeman, Linda et. al. (2024): Data underlying the manuscript: An eHealth intervention to support patients with a low socioeconomic position during their waiting period preceding cardiac rehabilitation: a randomised controlled feasibility study. Version 4. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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version 3 - 2024-04-05 version 2 - 2024-03-18 version 1 - 2024-03-14
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This data repository contains the research materials from the study: An eHealth intervention to support patients with a low socioeconomic position during their waiting period preceding cardiac rehabilitation: a randomised controlled feasibility study. The research was carried out between February 2023 and September 2023.

This study employed a mixed methods randomized controlled feasibility approach, targeting low SEP patients eligible for CR, dividing them into an intervention group, which received an eHealth intervention, and a control group, which underwent the standard waiting period. The study assessed feasibility through adherence (using usage metrics) and acceptance (using a modified USE questionnaire), along with the intervention's effect on participants' certainty and guidance through a self-designed CGQ, complemented by semi-structured interviews for qualitative insights. Non-parametric statistical. The CGQ's effect analysis involved Wilcoxon rank-sum, Mann-Whitney U, and Spearman's rank correlation tests. The ATLAS.ti software was used for qualitative analysis.

The dataset includes the study protocol, participant consent forms, questionnaires for research data collection, and an interview guide. Privacy-sensitive information have been excluded for confidentiality but can be provided upon reasonable request.

The study is registered at (NCT05698121) and received ethical approval from the Medisch Ethische Toetsings Commissie of the Erasmus Medical Centre (approval number MEC-2022-0483).

  • 2024-03-14 first online
  • 2024-05-03 published, posted
The zip file contains the publication package consisting of protocols, consent forms, questionnaires, and interview guides
  • Medical Delta - eHealth and self-management program
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology;
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Leiden University;
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus MC;
Capri Hartrevalidatie;
Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Centre;
National eHealth Living Lab (NeLL);
Medical Delta;


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