The Initial Stages of Template-Controlled CaCO3 Formation Revealed by Cryo-TEM: intermediate stage

Datacite citation style:
Pouget, E.M.(Emilie); Bomans, P.H.H.(Paul); Goos, J.A.C.M.(Jeroen); Frederik, P.M.(Peter); de With (Gijsbertus) et. al. (2010): The Initial Stages of Template-Controlled CaCO3 Formation Revealed by Cryo-TEM: intermediate stage. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite
Tilt range -60 to +68 Saxton Scheme; Magnification 19000; Defocus -6 μm; total dose 5.1E+21 e-/m2. Parent item: The Initial Stages of Template-Controlled CaCO3 Formation Revealed by Cryo-TEM Supporting datasets for "The Initial Stages of Template-Controlled CaCO3 Formation Revealed by Cryo-TEM". The data consists of separate sets for the early, intermediate and mature stages in this process. Datasets consist of original (mrc) data, the aligned (ali) data, reconstruction (rec) data, each of which may also be visualized with a video presentation.
  • 2010-03-15 first online, published, posted
Eindhoven University of Technology
media types: application/octet-stream, video/mpeg
Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands;
SoftMatter CryoTEM Unit, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands


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  • 237,110,272 bytesMD5:b67409f31c202fdaad2d4de70e55a034DATA.ali
  • 237,110,272 bytesMD5:0506a3292769e321ad40072615e300b5DATA.mrc
  • 754,835,024 bytesMD5:ce57fa57e3d8c3777aa5a57e802bd330DATA.rec
  • 34,123,502 bytesMD5:212192992c2f4c96dee0f9855652aa54DATA.rec.mpg
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