Data of Article "Patient and staff experience evaluation in Remote Patient Monitoring; what to measure and how? A systematic review"

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DOI: 10.4121/21930783
Datacite citation style:
Valeria Pannunzio; Hosana Morales Ornelas (2023): Data of Article "Patient and staff experience evaluation in Remote Patient Monitoring; what to measure and how? A systematic review". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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*** Data of article “Patient and staff experience evaluation in Remote Patient Monitoring; what to measure and how? A systematic review” ***

Authors: V. Pannunzio, H.C. Morales Ornelas

Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology

Corresponding author: V. Pannunzio

Contact Information:

[email protected]

Delft University of Technology - Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering

Landbergstraat 15

2628 CE Delft

The Netherlands

***General Introduction***

This dataset contains data collected during a systematic review study conducted at the Delft

University of Technology as part of Valeria Pannunzio’s PhD project. It is being made public both to

act as supplementary data for publications and the PhD thesis of Valeria Pannunzio and in order for

other researchers to use this data in their own work.

***Purpose of the review***

The purpose of the review was to provide a structured overview of patient and staff experience

constructs and instruments used in published contributions focusing on evaluating RPM


***Description of the data in this data set***

The available files include:

  • Rayyan export: data exported from the Rayyan environment in      which the review selection process was executed independently by the two      authors.
  • Extracted data: an excel file including the raw data extracted      from the included contributions and each step of the analysis process (in      each excel sheet), including the results of the correspondence analysis      included as part of the systematic review.
  • CA data output: The output of the correspondence analysis      performed in SPSS. 

We hope the dataset will be useful for other researchers and stay available for any questions or remarks.


  • 2023-01-23 first online, published, posted




Excel (.xlsx)


TU Delft, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Department of Design, Organization and Strategy


Files (4)