Measurements belonging to the publication: High-frequency gas effusion through nanopores in suspended graphene

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DOI: 10.4121/3f2c7291-408e-4121-bc6c-94e20f36d85a
Datacite citation style:
Steeneken, Peter; Alijani, Farbod; Dolleman, Robin; Licona, Hugo; Siskins, Makars et. al. (2023): Measurements belonging to the publication: High-frequency gas effusion through nanopores in suspended graphene. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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This folder consist of the measurements of the Pore dependence. The samples are:

BLG_12-C : 16 pores of 25 nm diameter

BLG_11-C : 8 pores of 50 nm diameter

BLG_6-C : 4 pores of 100 nm diameter

BLG_8-C : 2 pores of 200 nm diameter

BLG_4-C : 1 pores of 400 nm diameter

BLG_9-C : 3 pores of 200 nm diameter

BLG_10-C : 4 pores of 200 nm diameter

BLG_2-C : 1 pores of 200 nm diameter

And inside each folder there are two subfolders, Data and Results. The Data folder contains the raw data in txt and dat.

The Results folder consist on several things:

 -Images of the results obtained for the sample.

 -Element folder in which the measurements are ploted by elements.

 -Pressure folder where the measurements are ploted by pressures.

 -ResonanceFit folder with the data of the resonance frequency fit, where the first value is A, the second is the resonance, and the third is q-factor.

 -Model4 folder eith the data of the fit to the model4. This data can have three options:

   *if it has 2 values: first value a, second value t_th

   *if it has 5 values, the values are a, t_th, b, t_g, c.

   *if it has 8 values, the resonace fit values are added at the beginning, so the values are A, w_0, q, a, t_th, b, t_g, c.


  • 2023-05-11 first online, published, posted




Data are available both in txt and dat (MATLAB)


TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE), Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering;
Kavli Insitute of Nanoscience Delft


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