Fast-breaking MCBJ data underlying the thesis: "Electronic transport signatures of two-electron interactions in all-organic single-molecule junctions"

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doi: 10.4121/18ef279f-b771-466e-bc7c-04b365c7e7c8
Datacite citation style:
Baum, Thomas; van der Poel, Sebastiaan; Fernández, Saleta; Vilas-Varela, Manuel ; Peña, Diego et. al. (2024): Fast-breaking MCBJ data underlying the thesis: "Electronic transport signatures of two-electron interactions in all-organic single-molecule junctions". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Zipped files containing room-temperature fast-breaking mechanically controlled break junction measurements at low temperature of the 2-OS and Sme-2OS di-radicals and 2-CS and Sme-2CS precursors for chapter 3 of the thesis: "Electronic transport signatures of two-electron interactions in all-organic single-molecule junctions". The two folders in Data/ corresponds to the two setups used for the experiments. In the setup folder, the subfolder contain experiment for each molecule measured with a folder for each samples. The Gold/ subfolders contain reference measurements and Molecule/ contain breaking traces after molecule deposition.

The Clustering/ folder contain all the code to produce the figures of the chapter, the result of analysis is stored in each data experiment folder. The scan* files correspond to breaking traces data. More extensive description can be found in the headers of the files.

  • 2024-02-23 first online, published, posted
  • SPin Research IN Graphene (grant code 863098) [more info...] European Commission
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology


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