Dataset linking the ‘landschappelijke bodemkaart’ (LBK) and ‘bodemfysische eenhedenkaart’ (BOFEK)

The doi above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
doi: 10.4121/1835e7fd-802c-47d4-81f5-3e76c485a809
Datacite citation style:
Woolderink, Hessel; Teuling, Kees; Harkema, Tom; Cruijsen, Joost (2024): Dataset linking the ‘landschappelijke bodemkaart’ (LBK) and ‘bodemfysische eenhedenkaart’ (BOFEK). Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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This dataset contains the dataset linking the ‘landschappelijke bodemkaart’ (LBK) and ‘bodemfysische eenhedenkaart’ (BOFEK). By linking the LBK to the BOFEK, soil physical properties, such as resistance to water infiltration, can be better quantified for the LBK's landscape units. The LBK-BOFEK dataset and derived maps can be interpreted for various applications, such as assessing opportunities for climate adaptation, green space management, nature development and spatial planning issues. The method is defined in R scripts to enable automated derivation of linking the maps in a reproducible and transparent way.

  • 2024-10-03 first online, published, posted
.gpkg and .lyrx
associated peer-reviewed publication
Synergie in Landschappelijke en Bodemfysische eenheden
Wageningen Environmental Research, Soil, Water and Land Use


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