Campus of the Future Project FAIR Datasets
doi: 10.4121/17c8452a-a937-46a5-9693-f8212655779f
The Campus of the Future project proposes to develop evidence-based decision-making strategies to match supply and demand for the future campus. The two datasets presented in this folder are the outputs of the Campus of the Future project and they provide decision-makers and researchers with the most relevant and up-to-date campus management data: (1) University building data from Archdaily; (2) Corona-related campus news from Flipboard.
These FAIR datasets also encourage campus decision-makers to provide open data on campus buildings in the future years, which will support decision-makers of individual universities with management information in making the right decisions for their future campus. Please check the “README [.txt]” and “campus.of.the.future.project.FAIR.datasets_codebook [.pdf]” files for more information.
- 2023-03-30 first online, published, posted
- VSNU currently UNL: “Universiteiten van Nederland”
- CRE TU Delft, Campus & Real Estate
- 4TU.ResearchData FAIR data fund
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campus.of.the.future.project.FAIR.datasets_1_university.building.data_ from.Archdaily.csv - 369,555 bytesMD5:
campus.of.the.future.project.FAIR.datasets_1_university.building.data_ from.Archdaily.pdf - 174 bytesMD5:
campus.of.the.future.project.FAIR.datasets_2_corona.related.campus.news_from.Flipboard.txt - 628,285 bytesMD5:
campus.of.the.future.project.FAIR.datasets_codebook.pdf -
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