Data belonging to the paper: Estimation of sagittal-plane whole-body angular momentum during perturbed and unperturbed gait using simplified body models

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doi: 10.4121/0bd17d23-7213-4de3-b383-edd499d555a6
Datacite citation style:
Zhang, Junhao; van Mierlo, Michelle; Edwin van Asseldonk; Peter Veltink (2024): Data belonging to the paper: Estimation of sagittal-plane whole-body angular momentum during perturbed and unperturbed gait using simplified body models. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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This dataset contains gait data used to produce the results of the paper: 'Estimation of sagittal-plane whole-body angular momentum during perturbed and unperturbed gait using simplified body models. 10 healthy participants walked on a treadmill while receiving perturbations of the whole body angular momentum at the moment of toe off right. Meanwhile optical motion capture was recorded. The dataset contains the following measures: segmental angular momenta for each participant, gait events information, and evaluation metrics results used in the paper.

  • 2024-01-25 first online, published, posted
  • This work is part of the research program Wearable Robotics with project number P16-05, which is (partly) funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
University of Twente, Department of Biomedical Signals and Systems
University of Twente, Department of Biomechanical Engineering


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