Data underlying the publication "Subaqueous bleaching of single-grain K-feldspar luminescence signals"

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DOI: 10.4121/03543625-cc1b-4650-aea3-5992f077f417
Datacite citation style:
de Boer, Anna-Maartje; Seebregts, Marloes; Wallinga, Jakob; Chamberlain, Elizabeth (2024): Data underlying the publication "Subaqueous bleaching of single-grain K-feldspar luminescence signals". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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NIOZ monitoring platform (jetty), Marsdiep
lat (N): 53°00'06.5"
lon (E): 4°47'20.4"
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We deployed a full-day bleaching field experiment with irradiated feldspar samples tethered to a pole at various positions within and above the water column to quantify: 1) the bleaching potential, i.e. the light intensity and spectrum as a function of time, depth, and tidal stage; and 2) the bleaching efficiency, i.e. the degree of bleaching of infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-infrared IRSL (pIRIR) signals measured at 150, 225 and 290°C after a full day of light exposure above and below water.

+ Luminescence measurements

All measurements were performed on an automated Risø TL/OSL-DA-15 reader with a single-grain attachment with IR laser. A LOT I-410 interference filter was used to target the 410 nm peak emission of K-feldspar (Huntley et al., 1991). We used a multiple-elevated-temperature (MET) pIRIR measurement protocol after (Li & Li, 2011). Sixty datapoints were read-out in 2s (0.033s per datapoint), of which 50 datapoints were collected during stimulation. For each sample, 3 full single-grain discs were measured.

+ Light spectra measurements

Two TriOS RAMSES SAMIP ACC-2 VIS spectrometers, with a spectral wavelength range between 320 and 950 nm, were used to monitor the light spectra at the surface and below water. The subaqueous spectrometer was attached to a sturdy frame and moved up and down the water column with the help of a pulley to measure the subaqueous light penetration. Inundation depth was monitored using a pressure sensor. The other spectrometer was attached to the jetty and measured the subaerial light conditions. Both spectrometers faced upward and were read out simultaneously.

+ Measurement protocols and data formats 

The measurement protocols were written in Riso's sequence editor software. All Riso software is downloadable at: 

+ Processing and analysis scripts in R 

All processing of data (modifications, calculations, etc) and analysis of data was performed in R. All scripts are commented. Per experiment an R script was written.  

+ Figures and tables 

All figures and tables were created through R. Refer to the R scripts for detailed information within the script. 


  • 2024-04-24 first online, published, posted




Zip file, containing: *.R, *.txt , *.csv, *.binx, *.SEQ, *.sec: ,*.tiff


  • TRAILS: TRacking Ameland Inlet Living Lab Sediment (grant code 17600) [more info...] NWO


Soil Geography and Landscape group & Netherlands Centre for Luminescence Dating, Wageningen University & Research


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